Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Jill Scott's "The Light of The Sun" has become a part of my daily life. I feel like she read my mind when writing some of the lyrics because I can really relate to many of the songs and "Quick" is no exception. This song reminds me of that feeling shock you never forget...

"Here's a Pic to Keep You Busy..."

So a few weeks ago I met a guy while out with friends. He was friends with my girlfriends "guy of the moment" and we met while leaving a lounge one early morning. I'll call him 'The Nigerian'. He thought I was hot, and the feeling was mutual but for some strange reason when he asked me for my number, I smiled politely and declined! I. Don't Know. What. Happened. I guess I got nervous?

Well anyways, we exchanged smiles and googly eyes for a little longer and asked for my number again. Not in that corny "OMG, stop asking and get out of my face" kind of way but in a very charming and sexy, "You know you're attracted to me in the same way I'm attracted to you, so stop playing coy" kind of way. I told him I'd take his number to which he replied, "No, I want YOUR number." Well, I must admit that his aggression turned me on; so I obliged. He asked if we (my friend, his friend, he and I) could catch a movie the next day but I was planning to go to a festival with my girlfriend so I invited the guys to meet us there instead.

When I got home that morning I saw a text from him that read, "It was really nice meeting you tonight -'The Nigerian'" and of course I swooned a bit (a lot). I went to bed with a smile thinking about this new, handsome and charming guy. Then the next day rolled around and he didn't call. No big deal really, I went to the festival as planned with my gf and he really didn't cross my mind. Then a few days passed by, no phone call...I assumed he was "playing it cool" like some guys do and waiting a while to call. After a week passed, I deleted his number and figured if he didn't call then his loss.

Fast forward a few weeks later to the other day. I found myself reading/deleting old text messages and I came across the message he sent me that evening. Curiosity got the best of me. I decided to text him to see what he'd say...something I usually would NEVER do. But I was really curious. Don't ask me about what...I. Just. Was. I said something like, "Hey, how are you? I was looking forward to hearing from you, what happened?" (I just cringed typing that) He responded, "Traveled on a business trip, should be back in a few days. I'll hit you up when I get back." Me: OK.............(that's what I said in my head anyways) And then he texted me, "Here's a pic to keep you busy while I'm away."

Is it wrong that I find this hilarious? LOL...WTH kind of response is that? An unsolicited pic to "keep me busy" from a guy who never called because he was "away on business"? Oh...ok. So that's how we do things. That's what I get for being curious.

I died laughing.
